Service Introduction

The assessment of the main characteristics of the product is done at the last stage of the production process when the shipment is produced 100% and at least 80% was packed. This service is normally used to ensure the correct shipment under international sampling method ANSI/ ASQ Z1.4, ISO 1259, BS6001, GB 2828 or any other method specified by the customer. Typical sample quantity of the shipment will be removed at random to assess by observation. 

Usually products are tested for:

– The entire quantity of finished products
– Size and examination at the scene 
– Check the performance of the final product 
– Check outside, workmanship, color, size, quantity, etc. 
– Check the packaging, labels, barcodes, symbols consignor, etc.

Benefits of Check final stages random sampling: 

The final random inspection is considered to be effective as the Quality Assurance before shipment. However, if you only perform this service alone will not be sure if the wrong specifications, errors or mismatch was discovered very close to the time of delivery. The combination of random test last test FRI with IPI initial production or in the production process are encouraged DPI to identify potential risks early in the production process. 


1) The implementation of random testing last before shipment may not prevent or overcome the risk can appear in the early stages of the production cycle, such as product design , buy input materials, sampling, and evaluate suppliers. It is recommended that the product risk is high, need intervention sooner to ensure quality, such as the review of product design, evaluate suppliers, test samples and perform the test the last survey in conjunction with the initial test or inspection in the manufacturing process as an overall solution to ensure quality.

2) The sampling can be performed at this stage to test in the laboratory. The sample was taken at the factory (or a sampling site) and transferred to the laboratory. The sampling can be done as part of the inspection of goods or as a separate service.

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